Fibre cables repaired, ongoing testing of the in-ground hardline cable network , part on order.
Next Work on site – Further testing on the in-ground cable system from the large distribution boxes to the circular pillars. Again Saturday 3rd February 2024.
Most LOTS should have FTA TV signal. testing and assessment of flood damage to the hardline cable network is ongoing.
Previous onsite work – Sunday 14th January / Sunday 24th December / Thursday 9th November / Saturday 9 September 2023 / Saturday 26 August 2023 / Saturday 19 August 2023 / Saturday 12 August 2023
*Fibre signals are low or missing and require remediation
Council has kindly opened the fibre pits and checked an taken photps of the internals, advice re fibre remediation recommendation is being sought from an expert.
TV PIT 1 (TV signal to Lot 1 to Lot 19) – Electronic equipment installed 12/8 – TURNED ON – Circular Pillars to be tested before handover. Initial ends testing on 19/8 indicates signal close to target. Tested signal at Pillar Shack 5 Test OK 26/09/2023
TV PIT 2 (TV signal to Lot 20 to Lot 43) – Electronic equipment installed 19/8 – TURNED ON – Circular Pillars to be tested before handover. Initial ends testing on 19/8 indicates signal requires adjust and is high.
TV PIT 3 (Amplifier Only) Electronic equipment installed 19/8 – TURNED ON – No signal due to fibre in pit 4 issues.
TV PIT 4 – Electronic equipment installed 19/8 – TURNED ON – Fibre Signal again tested LOW 19/8 – to be investigated via fibre remediation.
TV PIT 5 – Electronic equipment installed 19/8 – TURNED ON – Fibre Signal again tested LOW 19/8 – to be investigated via fibre remediation.
TV PIT 6 (Amplifier Only) Electronic equipment installed 19/8 – TURNED ON – No signal due to fibre in pit 7 issues. 26/9/2023 checked signal level from test signal, appears low and adjusted, will need to inspect below ground connection on incoming cable.
TV PIT 7 (TV signal to Lot 105 to 142)- Electronic equipment installed 12/8 – NOW TURNED ON – – Fibre Signal again tested MISSING 19/8 – to be investigated via fibre remediation. Installed temporary signal source at 226.5MHz CH12 digital for testing. [Black pictures] ShackPillars to 123 OK, (Left in place) Signal Low into the booster amp at 112/113, pit inspection required. 26/8/2023
Cable System Project Details.
Cable system originally installed circa 2005
Flood Preparation – late 2022. (completed)
Sealing of RG6 and RG11 connectors within the rectangular and circular distribution enclosures for resident cables.
Removal of electronic equipment from the 7 Providence Drive rectangular distribution enclosures.
Flood Repair – early 2023. (Project) (in progress)
- Assessment of extent of physical damage to the TV cable system in the Providence Drive area.(completed)
- Seven Rectangular Enclosures
- Replacement of enclosures due to flood damage. (completed)
- Replacement of the electrical feed in cable from SA Power network poles. (completed)
- Replacement of the electrical circuit breakers and power outlets. (completed)
- Testing by SA Power Networks. <COMPLETED>
- Approval for connection to SA Power Networks. <COMPLETED>
- < Milestone> Electricity connected to Seven Rectangular Enclosures. <COMPLETED>
- Electrician advised by SA Power Networks – Power is connected. 09 August 2023
- Installation of Electronic Equipment and Signal Testing
- Fibre repair and re-commence testing.
- Next work – Thursday 9 November 2023
- Testing of TV fibre signal into five rectangular enclosures. <COMPLETED> Some issues
- Installation of electronic equipment into rectangular enclosure 1. [10,11] <COMPLETED>
- Testing or resident connection points. [1 to 19]
- ** TV PIT 1 launch signals OK
- Installation of electronic equipment into rectangular enclosure 2. [33,34]
- Testing or resident connection points. [20 to 43]
- ** Fibre Signal Tested OK
- Installation of electronic equipment into rectangular enclosure 3. [62,63] (Amplifier Only)
- Installation of electronic equipment into rectangular enclosure 4. [76,77]
- Testing or resident connection points. [44 to 85, plus 166]
- ** Fibre Signal Tested lower than expected.
- Fibre Repaired
- Installation of electronic equipment into rectangular enclosure 5. [86,94]
- Testing or resident connection points. [86 to 155]
- ** Fibre Signal Tested lower than expected.
- Installation of electronic equipment into rectangular enclosure 6. [112,113] (Amplifier Only)
- Installation of electronic equipment into rectangular enclosure 7.[127,128]
- Testing or resident connection points. [105 to 142]
- ** <PART>Fibre Signal Issues
** Remedial assessment and action if required.
<TBA> To be advised.