Cable Rating

Use of the correct cable for the RF Site is a design consideration and will need to take into account ageing, temperature, and vswr margins to allow for long term (decades) operation.

Selection of the correct cable to ensure long term operation will need to collect and consider the following criteria:

  • Site Altitude Above Sea Level
  • Antenna Height Above Ground Level
  • Site Location
  • Service Frequency
  • Maximum Ambient Temperature
  • Maximum Solar Irradiation
  • Maximum VSWR
  • Manufacturer and Part Number for each cable
  • Factory Maximum Inner Conductor Temperature
  • Factory Maximum Power Rating of Cables

The use of the above information will allow calculation of the Maximum Power Handling Value for each cable ( typically transmit cabling ) via determining a “de-rating” factor for the cabling used at a site.

Cable Rating Calculator

  • This link “Cable Rating Calculation” will open a new page to a calculator to demonstrate how cable derating can affect the maximum power an installed cable would be considered to be able to handle.