
We all prefer to live and work with reasonable humidity and temperature ranges.

It is similar with electronic equipment. With todays advanced electronics inbuilt to receivers and transmitters the operating temperature range is more critical.

Ideally the temperature should be around 25 degrees for maximum lifespan of equipment. this can be increase depending on the system to reduce electrical energy costs.

RF Works also offers temperature controllers to cut ou the air-conditioning systems below a nominated temperature to reduce electricity and wear and tear costs further.【クーポン獲得】【ポイント10倍】【3000円以上送料無料】健康肌着ひだまりラビセーヌ紳士用上下セットグレーLサイズ 3個セット
◆サービスワゴン 約80x45xH75cm【用美(ヤマコー)】
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